It depends were you live i guess as there is many dance Uni's if that is what you mean.
but if you do a really good aditition you should have no problem getting in.
hope this answered your question but truthfuly i feel that you do not need any to become a dancer because you can learn your self
How many gcse do you need to be a street dancer?
A baller dancer would have Least need for? A.balance B.Agility C.Cooridnation D.Reaction time
Me. You don't have to be famous to be a ballet dancer. You just need to go ballet lessons.
No, you don't need a degree to be a successful dancer. However, it does help so much. It would be easier to succeed as a dancer if you were taught about it in an actual school.
a dancer needs to stay in the correct body language. They also need to know a variety of moves. Also you need to open your legs 24/7
obviously not.... all you will need is talent.
well you will need your GCSEs and a level
you need 5 gcses and 1 a level
if its a good job then you need good GCSEs
GCSEs and A levels =(
no tellin yeh;)
english,maths and science