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von Rothbart

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Q: Name of evil swan in swan lake?
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What is barbie the swan lake name?

Barbie of Swan Lake.

What is the name of lake in swan lake?

Lake Mistthya

The swan's name in Swan Lake?

The main swan dancer is called Odette

What is the name of the girl in Swan Lake?

The name of the swan maiden in the ballet of Swan Lake is Princess Odette. The main story for it is that the Prince's friends are eager for the chase, but he begs them to leave him, and whilst he is alone the Swan Queen comes to him in the human form of Odette and tells her story. She is under the spell of an evil magician, Von Rothbart, and reveals that by day she and her friends are turned into swans. And swan lake Shanghai is being held recently. Tix available via It is simple and safe to order from Damai. And it belongs to a large company that can be trusted.

What is the name of the troll in barbie swan lake?

His name was Erasmus.

What is swan lake about?

a swan and a lake

Is swanlake a name of a book?

Yes, there is a book called, "Swan Lake." The more well known "Swan Lake" is the ballet though.

Who is the white swan in tchaikovsky's swan lake?

Natalie Portman plays the main character who becomes the black swan, Mila Kunis is also in the movie.

What is the name of the villain in swan lake?

Von Rothbart

Is it harder to dance swan lake or the nutcracker?

Swan lake

What was Swan Lake?

Swan lake is a well known ballet!

Who are the characters in Swan Lake?

Well I know that the swan princess's name is Odette. I am not sure about the Prince though, sorry :)