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Not really because MOST likely, you'll be able to see the line (seam) , where the toes actually are.

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Q: Is it ok to wear stockings with open toe shoes?
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Is it tacky to wear stockings with peep toe shoes?


During what months of the year are peeptoe shoes appropriate?

Peep toe shoes are appropriate to wear in the spring, summer and fall. Peep toe shoes are usually worn without stockings or socks but when it's cool out, some women wear stockings.

Do they make stockings for open toed shoes?

Yes there are stockings for open toes shoes. Jobst Relief 20-30 mmhg Open Toe Knee High Firm Compression Stockings and the site is :

What color of shoes open toe or closed should you wear with a dark green dress?

open toe

What seasons are open toe shoes suitable to wear?

The best season to wear open toe shoes is summer obviously, because then the weather is warmest and wearing closed toe shoes can cause sweaty feet. Spring is also a good season, if it is dry.

Why do female wear open toe shoes?

Because they are fashionable, and pretty.

Is it ok to wear opened toe shoes while working in a restaurant?

No. It is not acceptable to wear open-toed shoes while working in a restaurant. That is a safety issue.

What type of footwear should a person diagnosed with a bunion wear?

People with bunions should wear shoes that have enough room in the toe box to accommodate the bunion and avoid high-heeled shoes and tight-fitting socks or stockings.

What is the best shoe to wear during summer?

Peep Toe Shoes is a good choice i think ... Sandals and flipflops. Open toes shoes in general.

Can Monster High Dolls Fit Liv Doll Shoes?

Monster High dolls can wear Liv shoes IF they have an open toe, otherwise they will not fit.

Can a wrestler wear steal toe shoes in a match?


What type of shoes should a student wear while working with chemicals and with glassware?

A student should wear closed-toe shoes such as flat, sturdy shoes with non-slip soles while working with chemicals and glassware to protect their feet and provide stability. Avoid wearing open-toe shoes or sandals to minimize the risk of accidents and injury.