no way im learning and im actually pretty good. its just as long as you enjoy it!!!
actually, it could be. it just depends. if you're just learning for the first time and you're like .. 15, you're going to be a little less educated (obviously) but what it depends on is if you've never cheered before then you try out for the freshman squad in highschool... chances are you're not going to make it. because you get certain points for like- how high your toe touches are and how well you tumble. and if you cant throw a good backhandspring, don't count on being on JV. at least that's how it is at our hs. now if you just joined a competitive cheer squad, for your town, that's different. although, you'd probably be very behind compared to the other cheerleaders you should be working with.
No, but you'll have to work ridiculously hard to catch up.
Yes, Creon learns many things from his mistakes, but not until it is too late and he is exiled!
its never too late.
Friar Lawrence tells everyone the truth including the Prince, but unfortunately doesn't do it until it is too late.
It is never too late to chase after your dreams.
For this year, yes. Football season is almost over!
It is never too late to learn to play a musical instrument. With dedication and practice, people of all ages can develop their musical skills and enjoy the benefits of playing an instrument.
It is never too late to learn an instrument. With dedication and practice, anyone can learn to play music at any age.
It is never too late to learn how to play the guitar. With dedication and practice, anyone can learn to play at any age.
It is never too late to learn ballet! :) just take classes.
It's never too late to learn how to play an instrument.
It is never too late to learn how to sing. With practice and dedication, anyone can improve their singing abilities at any age.
You always can no it is not too late. Practice and prove how good you are.
Most likely, it evolved too late to learn it.