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Ballet started in France under Louis XIV's royal court at Versailles, at this point it was not the kind of ballet that is seen today, it was yet another enjoyment of the upper classes in France at the time. Louis XIV was known as the Sun King do to his attire during his performances which reinforced the idea that he was etherial. From this early form of ballet eventually evolved what we know today.

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Q: In what country did ballet begin?
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What country did ballet begin?

Ballet began in France and Russia.

What country has the best ballet?

the best country for ballet is is is russa and France

Why did ballet begin?

Ballet came from FRANCE probably because a lot of BALLET words are FRENCH.France is in Europe.

When an where did ballet begin?

Ballet began in the 15th century, in the Italian Renaissance courts.

Which country did ballet start in?

Ballet started in Europe then spreaded throughout the country

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A Month in the Country - ballet - was created in 1976.

When did ballet begin?

in the 17th century

What year did ballet begin?

Ballet dates back hundreds of years to French and Italian courts, and there is not exact date on which ballet begun.

Where did classical ballet begin?

Ballet origanated in France in the early fifteenth century.

What continent or country is ballet linked to?

Ballet is international, as are all the arts. None are particularly country specific.

What country dances ballet the most?

Russia is the international center of Ballet