Tides come on shore twice a day everyday. Once in the morning and once at night.
A vowel.
The correct riddle is:"What occurs once in a year, twice in every month, four times in every week and six times in each and every weekend?"The answer is the letter 'E'a yEarEvEry monthEvEry wEEkEach and EvEry wEEkEnd
You know what a tide is, don't you? Twice a day, the level of the sea rises and lowers because of the gravitational pull of the moon. When the water rises it's called flood tide and when it lowers, leaving tidal pools and shallows behind, it's called ebb tide. You want to launch your ship when it is high tide or flood tide because there is lots of water to go under it; at ebb or low tide the water is shallow and the ship could bottom out. Shakespeare, or rather Brutus in his play Julius Caesar, is comparing our fortunes with the tide. When the tide is high, it's time to set sail. It's rather like "make hay while the sun shines" or "strike while the iron is hot" or "he who hesitates is lost".
A vowel .. As the word "minute" contains 3 vowels (I , U , E ) , The word "hour" contains 2 vowels (O and U) and the word "day" contains only 1 vowel (A)
2 times a month = two months, 16 times a day equals 16 days...
only once.
Both. Full tide and low tide varies everyday. The tide takes 6 housr to come in (full) then it stays in for 1/2 an hour then starts going out. It takes 6 hours to go out (low) then it stays out for 1/2 an hour then starts to come in. This cycle continues day after day after day etc. Because the tide stays in or out for half an hour each time then the full tide and low tide times are changing each day.
The tide is based on the phases of the moon and sun.
A flood tide typically occurs twice a day, once in the morning and once in the evening. This is a natural phenomenon caused by the gravitational pull of the moon and sun on the Earth's tides.
Yes there are two high tides a day
two high tides and two low tides per day
the times of high and low tide shift a little each day , so usually you'll get one high and one low
12 at high tide and 23 when low tide.
There are two times of day in which the tides refill and replenish tide pool habitats. These two times are the low tide periods that happen twice every 24 hours. The exact times of low tides vary each day based on Lunar cycles.
365 times
The times of high and low tide shift a little each day, so usually you'll get one high and one low tide in a day. Occasionally you can get high-low-high or low-high-low in one day, but this is quite rare.
in Canada an united states may 20th 2011