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Q: How many dynamics are used in the making of swansong?
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they dance to it

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Aero dynamics , friction ,and pressure

Why do the dancers in swansong use tap dance?

the dancers in swansong use tap to indicate the guards questioning the victim allowing him to dace with them and this is used as his reply , him fighting back and now wanting to be pushed around by these guards.

What are the dynamics used in siobhan davies' birdsong?

Because the whole dance was upredictable and the dynamics used kept the dance intersting and created more excitement for the audience, dynamics was a strong use in birdsong.

How are dynamics used in music?

to make it pretty

What dynamics are used in dance?

Dynamics are the words that describe an action Ill give you one for each letter of the alphabet:AngryBoldCalmDelicateElegantFeatherlikeGlidingHeavyImpishJerkyLoudMildNeatOvertPowerfulQuickRoughSlowTenderUntidyViolentWild

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Keystroke dynamics can be used to authenticate a user to a local desktop computer AS WELL AS to a Website.

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What props are used in christopher bruce's swansong?

Up Stage Right, Also The Window Represents A Tiny Window Where The Prisoners Freedom Is, Or It Is Represented As Heaven, as he goes into the light at the end

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The permeability coefficient unit is used to measure the ability of a material to allow fluids to pass through it in the context of fluid dynamics.