firs of all you need too practice then you have to get scholarships
Me. You don't have to be famous to be a ballet dancer. You just need to go ballet lessons.
Rudolf Nureyev is probably the most famous male ballet dancer who passed away from AIDS in 1993.
Beacuse she is a professional Ballet dancer.
spani shdancer
Alex Lion
Me. You don't have to be famous to be a ballet dancer. You just need to go ballet lessons.
darcey bussel
she is a famous ballet dancer
He is ballet dancer.
Rudolf Nureyev is probably the most famous male ballet dancer who passed away from AIDS in 1993.
Beacuse she is a professional Ballet dancer.
spani shdancer
Yes she is a ballet dancer.
Alex Lion
Karen Kain is a famous Canadian ballet dancer. She was born in Hamilton, Ontario, and is currently associated with the National Ballet of Canada as its Artistic Director.
Darcy Bussell