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Q: How did lame duck get its name in ballet?
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What was the nickname for the twentieth amendment?

Answerlame duck

What nickname is for the 20th Amendment?

The Lame Duck Amendment.

Who is an outgoing elected official who lacks influenced?

lame duck

When was The Lame Duck Congress created?

The Lame Duck Congress was created on 2000-11-08.

What actors and actresses appeared in Lame Duck and the Knob Live at Oranssi - 2005?

The cast of Lame Duck and the Knob Live at Oranssi - 2005 includes: Petri Helske as Drums in Lame Duck Tapani Kangas as Guitar and Vocals in The Knob Mika Tervonen as Bass in Lame Duck

What happens if the lame duck president dies?

In this case, the lame duck vice-president would become president.

How do you use lame duck in a sentence?

Govener Jodi Rell is a lame duck because she is working beyond the election even if she is not reelected

What are the release dates for Duck Dodgers - 2003 A Lame Duck Mind 3-10?

Duck Dodgers - 2003 A Lame Duck Mind 3-10 was released on: USA: 14 October 2005

How is the lame duck period shortened by the 20th Amendment?

A lame duck is an elected official whose tenure is about to end. The 20th Amendment shortened the lame duck period by moving the beginning of the new Congress to January 3 and the presidential inauguration to January 20.

What does the expression 'lame duck' mean?

The term lame duck refers to somebody weak. For example, when an elected official's successor has already been elected, but has not taken office. It is also occasionally used to disparage a politician who will not serve again, such as a US president near the end of his second term.A lame duck session is a session of an officials whose successors have already been elected (but not inaugurated).The original use of the term lame duck referred to brokers who defaulted on their debts. The term is still used in this financial context in Europe.The term lame duck usually is very commonly heard at the end of the second term of a US President (since he can't get re-elected for the third time in a row). As the name suggests, a lame duck cannot make strong decisions.Actually the term lame duck means that they are able to make stronger decisons that are not based on being reelected.If you're playing howrse, please see the Related Question.

What is the name of the rubber ducky in Hong Kong Harbor?

Rubber Duck is the name of the rubber ducky in Hong Kong Harbor. People have started to calling it Lame Duck since it's deflation. Many people were disappointed to see the deflated duck.

Nickname for the 20th amendment?

"Lame Duck" really it is