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I'm not sure, but i wud bet that people saw Ballet in France and brought back the ideas to their country. and mayb people who worked as people in ballet also went to other countrys and taught others how to do it

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Q: How did ballet spread I know Catherine de Medici introduced court ballet to France but how did it spread to Russia and Poland and Germany etc?
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When does the ballet originated?

Ballet, as we know it today, began during the Renaissance around the year 1500 in Italy. In fact, the terms "ballet" and "ball" as in masked ball, come from the Italian ballare, to dance. When Catherine de Medici of Italy married the French King Henry II, she introduced early dance styles into court life in France.

How did ballet originate?

Ballet, as we know it today, began during the Renaissance around the year 1500 in Italy. In fact, the terms "ballet" and "ball" as in masked ball, come from the Italian ballare, to dance. When Catherine de Medici of Italy married the French King Henry II, she introduced early dance styles into court life in France.

Where and how did ballet originate?

Where -Ballet began in the Italian Renaissance courts of the 15th century, and was further developed in France and Russia.How -The history of ballet began as a dance interpretation of fencing. It quickly spread to the French court of Catherine de' Medici where it was developed even further.

Who started ballet dance?

there isn't really a person who "started" ballet. ballet originated in Italy, moving with catherine de medici to France when she married king Henry II. she introduced her tradition of Ballo, or dance. in the 1700's, king Louis of France became fascinated with ballet. not only did he create the first ballet academy, he also danced in every production of all the dances. that is, until he became too fat. :( :P from there, France slowly began to lose interest, and that's where russia comes in. Russian george balachine brought ballet to America. tada! a brief history of ballet. :)

Who was ballet popular with?

Ballet is a formalized form of dance with its origins in the Italian Renaissance courts of 15th and 16th centuries. Ballet spread from Italy to France with the help of Catherine De' Medici, where ballet developed even further under her aristocratic influence. thank you, please leave comments if you think i'm wrong or if you have any questons about my paragragh