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The phrase "How 'bout them Dawgs?" is part of a cheer used by Georgia Tech fans, referencing their arch-rival, University of Georgia Bulldogs. The proper response, according to Georgia Tech tradition, is "P*ss on 'em!"

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A celebratory cheer for the University of Georgia’s Bulldog football team. The term “Dawgs” is used as a phonetic pronunciation of “Dogs,” but with a refined and endearing southern drawl, like an accent from Savannah, Georgia. Heard as an exchange or greeting, along with “Go Dawgs!,” amongst UGA fans, students, alumni, et al who love “the Dawgs!” A jealous rivalry with the in-state Georgia Tech’s YellerSkeeter football team, whom win a game in the series once per decade. The annual game has been referred to as “Clean, Old-Fashioned Hate!” It’s a real life David/Goliath .... but remember, David defeated Goliath once. If David were to have fought Goliath, and the two squared off every year, David would lose 99 times out of 100. The all time series for the rivalry is UGA 68 wins to GaTech’s 41 wins, with 5 ties. So, How ‘bout them Dawgs!,

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