10 lb test - 400 yds 20 lb test - 180 yds 40 lb test - 90 yds
$1.99? Shakespeare makes a number of different reels. May help if you ask about a specific one.
Are you talking about William Shakespeare the world-famous playwright? Because he was not born in the United States at all, but in England. The United States did not exist when Shakespeare was alive. Of course, you could be thinking of William Shakespeare Jr. who founded the Shakespeare Fishing Reel company and invented in 1896 a device to make sure that fishing line wound evenly onto the reel. He was born in Kalamazoo, Michigan.
Yes, it has stainless steel parts and is designed for big game saltwater fishing.
A real reel is a genuine spool.
You can order the spare spool from your local tackle stores who can then order for Shimano Australia based in Sydney. The spare part # is ZRD 7252. Shimano Australia only sells on wholesale. The cost is about AUD8.00 Good luck
The line should be put on the spool of a spin cast reel in a clockwise direction. This helps to prevent the line from tangling or spilling off the reel during use.
First release the spool from the reel. Then take a length of string and tie it to the spool use a small knot keep it tidy.You then wind the string onto the spool in a clockwise direction until it covers approx 1/8 of the capacity of the spool.You then attach the nylon fishing line or braid,to the string with a small tidy knot and try hiding the knot on the outer edge of the spool.You then lift up the bail arm of the reel and refit the spool and close the bail arm.You would then load your line onto the reel until 1-3mm from the top of the spool, Be sure to wind the lines reasonably tightly.
Everyone has their favorite, but Lew's Speed Spool is the perfect cranking reel.
Loosen the drag setting knob on the front of the reel as loose as it will go and it should pop or pull right off . Be cautious as some sipnning reels have a small cup spring under the drag cover that will shoot out. I am pretty sure this is a front drag reel since the s1000 is. If it is a rear drag reel the front cover should still turn and come off For the Shimano R1000 reel first start by tightening the brake on the drag to the heaviest setting until the reel turned in a counter clockwise direction stops clicking and come undone.
There are two main ways of putting line onto a reel.When filling a multiplier reel it is important that the spool is filled with no line twist.When filling a fixed spool reel it is important that the line goes onto the reel the direction it leaves the edge of the spool.Very modern fixed spool reels have a twist reducing mechanism in the roller.However,it is important that the line is taken off the lip of the spool so that it rotates in the same direction as the rotor.Which everway reel is being used make sure the line that is being put on your reel is under tension. TIP Tie your line to reel , place line through a heavy book and reel the line true to your reel the book will but the line under tension and stop nests in the line.
1 push casting button on back of reel. 2 pull out old line 3 the front cover on the reel needs to be turned counter clockwise until it stops then pull cover straight off. 4 cut off old line 5 thread new line threw eyes on fish pole then threw hole in the front cover of the reel 6 tie line around spool of reel 7 replace front cover of reel 8 place spool of new line on floor with the spool on its side 9 hold rod with left hand in front of the reel and hold line lightly between thumb and first finger to keep tension on line 10 turn handle on reel clockwise make sure line is coming off spool of new in the same direction that the reel is turning, this will help to reduce tangles when fishing. 11 stop when spool on reel is about 3/4 full hope you have good luck fishing!
There are two basic methods, depending on the type of reel. If your reel is the push-button type with a cover over it, it is a spincasting reel. If it is the open style with the metal bail, which looks like a bucket handle, it is a spinningreel. If it has the push-button and no cover, with the line exposed where you can place your thumb on it, it is a baitcastingreel.By design, spinning and spincasting reels will twist the line. All you can do is load it properly to minimize the twist. You do not want to let the spool spin on a pencil. Lay it flat on the floor. Usually it should have the label facing up. To make sure this is correct, take the reel off of the rod and hold it upside down over the spool. Turn the handle as if you are reeling in line and pay attention to the direction in which it turns. You want the line to be coming off the spool in the same direction. If it is not the same, just flip the spool over on the floor. It may help to go ahead and tie the line to the reel temporarily and watch it go from the spool to the reel slowly to make sure you have it right. If it is right, the part where the line comes off the spool can be directly below the part where it goes onto the reel the whole time. When you're ready to put all the line on, put the reel on the rod and tread the line through the rod first, to make it easier. Remember a little twisting will occur, but not very much.With a baitcasting reel, just have somebody hold a pencil in the eye of the spool and let it spin while you reel it up.Check out this video to see how it's done. http://www.bassfishin.com/video-tips/how-to-spool-spinning-reel/css/spooling-spinning-reels.jpg