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i haven't heard of capezio but that might be because i live in Australia and i don't think we have it here but Bloch is very popular. i buy all my shoes from block and most of my leotards from energetics

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Q: Do people like capezio or bloch for a dance shoe?
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What are the best ballet flat shoes?

Well I like Bloch from Dance Direct. Hope that helps!

What are standaed ballet shoe size?

There really is no standard size but they fit (at least for me) about two sizes smaller than my regular shoe size, but it depends on the brand of the shoe. For people with V feet, which means that your toes look more like a V when you put your feet together, I would recommend Grishko or Capezio. But for people with more even toes I would recommend Bloch.

How do you pronounce Bloch?

You pronounce it like block :)

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like me buddy

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sorry not much help...but people go and dance anywhere they feel like it some where they feel like its the right place for them .

Do people have to dance?

No, people don't have to dance, but people been doing it lots of years. Its a good way to express your feeling and angers. Dancing is a hobby of creativity. p.s people like other people that can dance

How do smelly people dance?

Smelly people dance in the same way that non-smelly people dance. naaahhhhh waayyyy i am a very smelly person and i dont dance anything like non smelly people thank you very much!!!!!!!!! i dance wayyyyyy cooler :P