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I think that male Ballet dancers CAN go on point. I know that females can. So why not men?

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Q: Do male ballet dancers go on point?
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How do you change people's negative mindset about male ballet dancers?

Today the mind set that people have about male ballet dancers has changed a great deal compared to even as short a time ago as 30 years. you can change the mindset in those people close to you by simply being what you are and those that are not close to you and have some preconceived ideas shouldn't matter anyway you cant educate everyoneANSWER: First you march on Washington and demand that civil rights be given to male ballet dancers. A male dancer parade or two wouldn't hurt and bake sales and cake walks are always fun. If male ballet dancers weren't so uptight all the time maybe people wouldn't take such a negative view of them. I think male ballet dancers have a negative mindset about people who don't go to the ballet, which only drives a bigger wedge into the culture gap. Perhaps we could have a town hall meeting and resolve this. Also, maybe the male ballet dancers could petition the court, or apply for a fictitious business name with the city and find a better term than male ballet dancers.

Why do ballet dancers earn so little?

Ballet dancers earn very little because most of the money from a performance goes to the commpany or to the venue. Ballet dancers cannot go on strike because they would be immediately replaced by dancers who say they will work for free. People become balet dancers because they love to dance not because they wan't to be rich.

Are ballet dancers fitter than footballl players?

Hell yes ballet dancers are stronger. Footbal players are all meat and muscle that isnt true. Ballet dancers also can go on pointe it takes extreme muscle time and effort to do that. Anyone can doggie pile like an idiot but can anyone do a double pirouette on pointe? The answer is no.

What to expect at a ballet performance?

Well... Most people go to enjoy the beautiful, graceful, and angelic dancers.

How many years do professional ballet dancers dance?

Until they begin to find what they are doing too hard and it becomes dangerous for them to continue. This happens quite early on as ballet takes a lot of hard work and strength which usually only the younger dancers can provide. Also, many ballet dancers get arthritis from using their bodies in a way that it was not designed for. The average age that a ballet dancer will retire is about 25 - 35, depending on the general health and fitness of the dancer. After this however, many dancers go on to teach ballet until the usual age of retirement, 60 - 65.

Related questions

How do you change people's negative mindset about male ballet dancers?

Today the mind set that people have about male ballet dancers has changed a great deal compared to even as short a time ago as 30 years. you can change the mindset in those people close to you by simply being what you are and those that are not close to you and have some preconceived ideas shouldn't matter anyway you cant educate everyoneANSWER: First you march on Washington and demand that civil rights be given to male ballet dancers. A male dancer parade or two wouldn't hurt and bake sales and cake walks are always fun. If male ballet dancers weren't so uptight all the time maybe people wouldn't take such a negative view of them. I think male ballet dancers have a negative mindset about people who don't go to the ballet, which only drives a bigger wedge into the culture gap. Perhaps we could have a town hall meeting and resolve this. Also, maybe the male ballet dancers could petition the court, or apply for a fictitious business name with the city and find a better term than male ballet dancers.

How should you warm up a ballet class of grade 1 dancers?

After stretching, just go through the positions with them. 1st grade ballet dancers-how cute!

Why do ballet dancers earn so little?

Ballet dancers earn very little because most of the money from a performance goes to the commpany or to the venue. Ballet dancers cannot go on strike because they would be immediately replaced by dancers who say they will work for free. People become balet dancers because they love to dance not because they wan't to be rich.

Are ballet dancers fitter than footballl players?

Hell yes ballet dancers are stronger. Footbal players are all meat and muscle that isnt true. Ballet dancers also can go on pointe it takes extreme muscle time and effort to do that. Anyone can doggie pile like an idiot but can anyone do a double pirouette on pointe? The answer is no.

What to expect at a ballet performance?

Well... Most people go to enjoy the beautiful, graceful, and angelic dancers.

How many years do professional ballet dancers dance?

Until they begin to find what they are doing too hard and it becomes dangerous for them to continue. This happens quite early on as ballet takes a lot of hard work and strength which usually only the younger dancers can provide. Also, many ballet dancers get arthritis from using their bodies in a way that it was not designed for. The average age that a ballet dancer will retire is about 25 - 35, depending on the general health and fitness of the dancer. After this however, many dancers go on to teach ballet until the usual age of retirement, 60 - 65.

How do ballet dancers learn to avoid injuries?

Ask your ballet teacher. If you have injuries tell your doctor and/or go to a physical therapist. Many ballet schools such as the Pacific Northwest Ballet offer inury-prevention seminars as part of thei curriculum in their summer intensive.

What are facts about ballerinas?

1) a ballerina is the name given to the princable ballet dancer in the company only. some or given the title of soloist and all the others are just ballet dancers. 2) ballet originally was only entertainment at the itervals of operas or plays. it was never ment to have its own shows. 3) some ballerina dont retire ntill they are 45 years old. some then go on to teach at a ballet academey. 4) a ballerina will wear out a pair of brand new pointe shoes every preformence! 5) a male ballet dancer can lift up to about 1-1 and a half tonns of female ballet dancers every preformance 6) after an exhausing 32 fouette turns a ballet dancers box of her pointe shoe is actually red hot because of the friction! hope i helped!

What should a boy do if he know a lot a about ballet should he do it?

I believe that if you are a boy and you would like to try ballet, Go for it! It is extremely fun and I'm sure you will love it. I have been a dancer for 10+ year and there are several male dancers at my studio of various ages. Also, it is never too late to learn (If you were worried about that). So try it out!

What kind of dances are there in the movie of phantom of the opera?

mostly ballet (well its all ballet) because back in the period phantom of the opera was set ballet dancing was very popular to go and see for the rich even though being a dancer was frowned upon. the opera house would have its own ballet dancer's or tours of ballet dancers.

What is the difference point and ballet?

well point shoes are ballet shoes that have a hard bit around the toes that allow you to go up on the tips of your toes without hurting them!!!

What ballet colleges are the best for producing professional ballet dancers?

You can't just go to NYCB's training school, which is really called the School of American Ballet. You must be admitted into it by the time you are 18 years old, and have perfect turnout, decent musicality, and a good body for ballet. It really isn't a college; it is connected with Juiliard, however, which is good for ballet and modern dancing. It's not the same as SAB or NYCB, though. Other ballet colleges are North Carolina School of the Arts (NCSA), Mercyhurst PA, Indiana, Point Park. But those are more intense schools. Other colleges, like Kutztown, offer smaller ballet programs that aren't as intense as other colleges.