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Q: Did Louis XIV start a ballet school?
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Related questions

Who was first person to start ballet theory?

Louis the XIV started the first ballet school in France

When was the first ballet school started?

In 1661 by Louis XIV

When did classical ballet start?

In 1672, King Louis XIV established a performing company called the Academie Royal. King Louis XIV hired Pierre Beauchamp, who revolutionized regular ballet and created classical ballet.

Who was ballet invented by?

King Louis XIV

Who was the first to bring about ballet?

King Louis XIV

Who was the first ballet teacher?

French King Louis XIV

How or when did ballet start?

Contrary to popular belief, ballet started in Italy, and soon spread to other European countries. Ballet was popularized by the court of King Louis XIV, in France during the seventeenth century.

Why was Louis xiv so great?

Because he invented ballet and he was the a bamf

King Louis XIV participated in which type of performance at his court?


Where did ballet oridginate from?

In France, during the reign of King Louis XIV.

Which french king invented ballet?

king Louis XIV that's what i reasearched

Where was ballet first created?

France, in King Louis XIV's court, Versailles.