Yes you can re-take an RAD exam if you want, but its not just about the grade, its the process of the training that makes you a better dancer, not a matter of passing or failing, if you havent already taken your exam, good luck, you will be fine! Hope this helped in some way:)
There is not just Cechetti Ballet and Ballet. You learn a ballet syllabus, there are many different ones. When you take an exam it is from an exam board for example Cecchetti but there are many others such as R.A.D., I.D.T.A. and I.S.T.D. However Cecchetti and RAD (Royal Ballet) seem to be the most common. Cechetti grades are a lot more technically demanding and are considered harder. Grade 3 in Cecchetti would be equivalent to a Grade 4 or 5 in RAD. Cecchetti is also a lot harder to get a high mark in. You cannot compare exam results from Cecchetti and RAD fairly. There is more focus on alignment and poise in Cecchetti than in RAD which becomes more useful if you want to become a professional. Some positions such as 'epaule' are only included in Cecchetti. I personally think Cecchetti is slightly better than RAD and all the others, having trained in RAD and Cechetti.
There are two main kinds of ballet. These are cecchetti ballet which is more flowing and gentle and there is RAD which developed later on. RAD isn't as smooth and is more strong. I recommend cecchetti ballet. I have done both.
Either Moscow Ballet Company, New York Ballet, IBW (Independent Ballet of Wales) or RAD (Royal Academy of Dance) or RBS (Royal Ballet School)
There is not just Cechetti Ballet and Ballet. You learn a ballet syllabus, there are many different ones. When you take an exam it is from an exam board for example Cecchetti but there are many others such as R.A.D., I.D.T.A. and I.S.T.D. However Cecchetti and RAD (Royal Ballet) seem to be the most common. Cechetti grades are a lot more technically demanding and are considered harder. Grade 3 in Cecchetti would be equivalent to a Grade 4 or 5 in RAD. Cecchetti is also a lot harder to get a high mark in. You cannot compare exam results from Cecchetti and RAD fairly. There is more focus on alignment and poise in Cecchetti than in RAD which becomes more useful if you want to become a professional. Some positions such as 'epaule' are only included in Cecchetti. I personally think Cecchetti is slightly better than RAD and all the others, having trained in RAD and Cechetti.
I am not certain, but I am pretty sure you would wear a black leotard. Do not rely on this, as I would hate for you to wear the wrong thing to your exam. Be sure to check with a certified RAD instructor!! Best if luck on your exam!
rad stands for Royal Academy of Dance, which is a ballet company that offers exams and a ballet course in many countries worldwide
There are two main kinds of ballet. These are cecchetti ballet which is more flowing and gentle and there is RAD which developed later on. RAD isn't as smooth and is more strong. I recommend cecchetti ballet. I have done both.
The best way is to look on the RAD website, where you can enrol on to the CBTS (certificate of ballet teaching studies) or many other coures
Either Moscow Ballet Company, New York Ballet, IBW (Independent Ballet of Wales) or RAD (Royal Academy of Dance) or RBS (Royal Ballet School)
Grade 1 Ballet is a level like in music. In Ballet you start at primary. you primary exam is the 1st exam you take in ballet and when you take your primary exam and pass you move up into grade 1.Depending on the ballet school and teacher children are around the age of 6 at grade 1.
1. The Royal academy of dance (RAD) 2. The American ballet theatre 3. The New York City Ballet 4. Boston Ballet 5 San Francisco Ballet 6. Joffrey Ballet 7. Oregon Ballet theatre 8. Tulsa
The English are superb Ballet dancers! The Royal Acadamy of Dance ( RAD) is there.
well to do a course of royal academy of dance, you can start to learn before you start school (2-3 years old). i do RAD ballet at a normal local dance school and to start you don't have to know anything about ballet. BUT to get into the original school in London you have to qualify to be a professional, so YES in that case you do have to be very GOOD! =] hope this helped =]