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No, he did not.

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Q: Did Jeff Gordon have a child with his first wife?
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Related questions

Who is Jeff Gordon married to?

No. Ella Sophia is is his only child to date.

When was Jeff Gordon's second child born?

Jeff Gordon's wife Ingrid had the couples second child on August 9, 2010. A baby boy named Leo Benjamin.

What is the name of Jeff Gordon's first wife?

Brooke Sealey

Is Jeff Gordon's wife pregnant?

Yes, Ingrid is pregnant with the couples second child.

What is Jeff Gordon's wife's origin?

Jeff Gordon's wife, Ingrid Vandebosch, originated from Belgium.

Where is Jeff Gordon's first wife?

Jeff Gordon's first wife was named Brooke Selay. She is living comfortably in Palm Beach Florida. Jeff Gordon is now married to Ingrid Vandebosch. They have two children named Ella Sofia and Leo Benjamin. They live in Charlotte, North Carolina.

Who is Jeff Gordon's son's mother?

Jeff Gordon's wife and mother to his children is Ingrid Vandebosch.

Did Jeff Gordon leave his family for a man?

No, he did not. Jeff Gordon is still with his wife and two children.

How old is Jeff Gordon's wife?

Jeff Gordon's wife, Ingrid Vandebosch, is 40 years old. She was born on November 8, 1970.

Does Jeff Gordon have step children?

No, he does not. Jeff Gordon and his wife Ingrid have one daughter and one son.

Where is Jeff Gordons first wife now?

Jeff Gordon's first wife was named Brooke Selay. She is living comfortably in Palm Beach Florida. Jeff Gordon is now married to Ingrid Vandebosch. They have two children named Ella Sofia and Leo Benjamin. They live in Charlotte, North Carolina.

How tall is Jeff Gordon?

Jeff Gordon's wife, Ingrid Vandebosch, is 5 feet 9 inches.