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Q: Why is the US bad at the paralympics they do so well in the Olympics?
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Why was the Paralympics introduced?

The Paralympicss were introduced in 1960 in Rome. They are really important because it give disabled people the chance to do things they really want to do and it shows us that disabled people are equal to us and they can do anything they want if they can just belive in themselves.

What channel can you watch the 2010 Olympics on?

This depends on what country you live in. For example, in the UK the Paralympics will be broadcast on BBC in the UK. There is has not been an announcement yet if any US channel wil broadcast the Paralympics. But no matter where you live, you can watch the Paralympics on Paralympic Sport TV. This is an internet site that is supported by the IPC (international paralympic committee) and will broadcast live events for 5-6 hours everyday from their internet site. You can find a schedule of live broadcasts on the link below.

Which country is well known for winning gold in the Olympics for swimming?

In the past the US, at present Australia.

What must you do when you ride a horse in the Olympics?

well u do the caring and everything and then training and then friend with your horse so just take well care of train well and become freinds with your horse and if your intering the olympics good luck suporting the us of a

Where did the paralympics originate?

paralympics, is a sport which gives decabled people to still be able to do sport; because they have as much rights as us...

The winning country in the Olympics is it determined by most gold or is it by most total medals?

There is no "winning country" in the Olympics. The games celebrate human achievement not national achievement. That being said, the US has won the most medals overall in all of the Olympics, Canada may well have won the most Gold Medals in a Winter Olympics and the US may well have won the most medals of any type in any of the Winter Olympics. I don't know which country has won the most Golds and most medals overall in the Summer Olympics.

How many athletes does the US have in the 2012 Olympics?

The US has 529 athletes in the 2012 Olympics.

Why were olympic athletes upset with president carter in the 1980's?

Jimmy Carter pulled the US out of the 1980 Summer Olympics as a protest against the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan. He got 60 other nations to go along with the boycott so the it had a bad effect on the Olympics. The Soviet bloc retaliated by boycotting the 1984 summer Olympics, so that one was spoiled as well, although the US women's gym team may have liked their chance to win some gold/

Is the US competing in the 2012 Olympics?

Yes, the US is competing in the 2012 Olympics. There are 530 athletes from the US participating.

What style of music is bad for us?

Well, it's your opinion.

Is racquetball in the oylmpics?

Racquetball in the US is sponsored by the US Olympic Committee. However, it is not a sport that is currently played IN the Olympics itself. There have been numerous attempts to get the sport into the Olympic competition but, though the sport is played all over the world, the US pretty well dominates it. Sports that are dominated by a single country rarely get added to the Olympics (though they might already *be* in the Olympics).

How many US athletes are competing in the 2012 Olympics?

530 US athletes will be participating at the 2012 London Olympics.