i can tell you, the answer is athletes who have no legs or arms i can also tell you how many events are in the answer is rather 12, 13, 14, or 15 there i can help.
when she died
There are about 600 athletes in the province of Canada competing at the 2010 Paralympics.
i dony know
over 10,000 athletes will compete in the 302 events
there are 1000's of disabled of athletes in the world, that compete in sports
Paralympics are like Olympic games for athletes with disabilities. ...Clarification Paralympics are for athletes with mobility or vision impairment.Athletes with intellectual impairment compete in the Special Olympics.Look these up in Wikipedia for more details and history.
Men's 100 meter run, 200 meter run, and 400 meter run. He won gold in each event.
The paralympics are for disabled people
In 2012 Paralympics
there is an olympic flame at the paralympics