quite a few wrist, elbow and shoulder when throwing the javelin itself then in the run up you have the ankle, knee, hip. Your spine also plays a part in it as well
in javelin you throw a long sick with a point called ajavelin
to throw a javelin you need a tight grip and an accurate aim also a powerful throw
Do you mean spears, which are similar, but not used in the javelin throw?
The Javelin Throw.
world record javelin throw under 13s
No. A javelin thrower cannot throw a javelin 30 kilometers. That's 30,000 meters.
It is the Javelin.
The objective of Javelin is to throw the javelin over the greatest possible distance.
you throw it
you throw it
· javelin throw
No - the thrower must simply throw the javelin the furthest distance with both a legal delivery and landing of the implement.