Mostly on your muscles. When you pull a muscle, over-strech something etc. A physiotherapist is the man/woman you want to see.
The most Important skill apart from the curriculum is Ethics And Professionalism. History Taking Assessment and Evaluation Is Important. A good grip in Exercise therapy techniques and electrotherapy is must to clear all four years. A fundamental strong base of anatomy and physiology is always recommended
It could be, depending on the type of therapy needed. There is some dexterity and movement skills.
Therapy is a kind of doctor thing so go to medical school, choose the category : therapy then choose the pets area.. (i'm guessin')
Insurance coverage for massage therapy varies widely. There tends to be greater coverage in states that license massage therapy. In most cases, a physician's prescription for massage therapy is needed.
they need physical therapist..
There are basically 2 types of and out-patient. In-Patient: Hospital to regain weight, therapy, mental / psychologist sessions, nurtitionists, IV / feeding tubes, strict rule, drug therapy (if needed) Out-Patient: Doctors visits, medical monitoring, drug therapy (if needed), therapy, mental / psychologist sessions, nutritionist.
Yes, she needed 5 years of therapy to do so.
physiotherapy is needed in all neuromuscular or musculoskeletal dysfunction.
First, most states require a degree in physical therapy as well as a business license. In addition to knee-drop tables, stimulation machines and pads, stretch bands and light weight exercise machines, ample space is needed for the actual therapy to take place.
Therapy is aimed at preventing or reducing dehydration, and using antibiotics when needed.
Only if your doctor "prescribes" the therapy. This should be some sort of written correspondence stating that the therapy is needed to treat or mitigate a specific condition.
Antihistamines and drugs that reduce stomach acid are frequently needed.