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Q: What piece of legislation had stated that if a male support is created then there will be equal opportunity for a women sport to be created?
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Which legislation by Parliament stated its right to pass laws and make decisions for the colonies?

The Declaratory Act

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Does Oprah still support Obama for president?

Yes..she stated her support on her TV program.

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The Virginia and Kentucky resolutions

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How do you know if you are paying child support directly to state or to custodial parent?

That should be clearly stated in the court order. If you are not sure, contact the court that issued the child support order and obtain a copy.That should be clearly stated in the court order. If you are not sure, contact the court that issued the child support order and obtain a copy.That should be clearly stated in the court order. If you are not sure, contact the court that issued the child support order and obtain a copy.That should be clearly stated in the court order. If you are not sure, contact the court that issued the child support order and obtain a copy.

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the Magnuson-Moss Warranty Act

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