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A legal put shall be made from the shoulder, with one hand only, so that during the attempt, the shot does not drop behind or below the shoulder. A competitor must start from a stationary position inside the circle. It is a foul if the competitor: 1) After stepping into the circle, fails to pause before starting the put 2) After stepping into the circle, touches the circle, not including the inner face of the stopboard or band if one is used, or the ground outside the circle. 3) Puts the shot so it does not fall within the sector lines if used 4) After the shot has landed, does not exit through the back half of the circle

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16y ago
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16y ago

Hurling is one of Ireland's national sports. It is a stick and ball game, similar to Field Hockey, but much faster. It is actually the fastest field game in the world. The goals are like a Soccer goal and a Rugby goal stuck together. Scores are got by hitting the ball over the bar for one point, or into the goal for 3 points.

There are 15 players on the field. Players cannot run with the ball in their hand, but must balance it on the stick as they run. The ball cannot be thrown. There are many rules. See the links below, particularly the 3 videos which give a good overview of the game:

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9y ago

The hammer throw is a competitive sport in which a metal ball, attached to a cable, is whirled round several times, then let go. The object is to see who can throw the hammer the furthest.

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14y ago

The rules are to throw the hammer at your mums face.

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12y ago

see in an book

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Q: What is the rules of javelin throw?
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What are the rules of javelin throw?

The javelin must land front first into the grass but it doesn't have to stick in as long as it makes a Mark the thrower must release the javelin at shoulder height only

What do you throw in javelin?

in javelin you throw a long sick with a point called ajavelin

How do you throw the javelin?

to throw a javelin you need a tight grip and an accurate aim also a powerful throw

What is the sport called in the Olympics with a javelin?

The Javelin Throw.

World junior record javelin throw?

world record javelin throw under 13s

Is it likely that an athlete can throw a javelin 30 kilometers?

No. A javelin thrower cannot throw a javelin 30 kilometers. That's 30,000 meters.

What is the name given to Olympic sport of spear throwing?

It is the Javelin.

What would you do with javelin?

you throw it

What would you do with a javelin?

you throw it

What is the objective of the javelin event?

The objective of Javelin is to throw the javelin over the greatest possible distance.

What Olympic event starts with the letter j?

· javelin throw

Does a javelin thrower have to throw the javelin over a pole to win?

No - the thrower must simply throw the javelin the furthest distance with both a legal delivery and landing of the implement.