the Discus is heavier at 2Kgs for men and and 1kg for women. Javelin weights are 800 grams at least for men and 600 grams at least for women
There is no real title for an athlete that throws the discus or javelin - they are simply referred to as javelin or discus throwers, or more generally as throwers, field event athletes, etc.
shot hammer discus Javelin
discus and the javelin discus and the javelin
Discus and javelin.
The best performers.
Sho Put Discus Hammer Javelin
Possibly the discus or javelin throws.
javelin, running, discus, boxing, wrestling
Running, wrestling, boxing, javelin, discus.
Discus, Javelin, Wrestling.
There were events such as: javelin, discus, wrestling, boxing, long jump, chariot racing, and the pentathlon which included running, wrestling, javelin, discus and long jump But at the first ancient olympics there was only short sprints.
Discus, javelin, shot (shot put), hammer (hammer throw)