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Q: What is a gymnasts pad called?
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People who perform gymnastic feats what are they called?

they are called gymnasts and the feats are moves or skills

Who are people who do gymnastics?

They're called gymnasts.

Where do gymnasts meet?

In sports halls or arenas called gymnasiums.

What is the name of the bars on which female gymnasts compete?

They are called the uneven bars.

What is the mouse on the laptop called?

It is called a clicker If you mean the built in mouse, it is called a touch pad or mouse pad.

Which rectangular pad is found on a notebook and net book computer?

The rectangular pad is a called a touch pad.

What is the border around the windshield called?

door pad or safe pad

What is the control pad called?

The 'control pad' is the + shaped directional button.

Are gymnastic players competitive?

not all but most are! and theyre not called gymnastics players theyre gymnasts!

What is another word for a lollipop English saddle pad?

It's often called a "keyhole pad" or a "riser pad."

Do Chinese gymnasts use grips?

all gymnasts use grips

Is the you-Pad a technological advance for 2010 and what are more?

It is not called a you-pad it is called an i-pad and it is a technological advance for 2010. Some other examples are the new macbook air and HD television.