Oscar Pistorious is a South African Paralympic and Olympic athelete who won several medals at the 2012 Olympic Games, making history as a Track and Field star with no legs. He is nicknamed "Blade Runner" because he runs on medal blades. He has been viewed as a role model for many young people around the world and his inspirational story has been told over and over again. Pistorious was charged with murder in South Africa in February 2013 for allegedly shooting his girlfriend, a model and actress. As of this writing (February 16, 2013) Pistorious is awaiting trial for the alleged murder. He has not been condemned yet and he is innocent until proven guilty. There are rumors that Pistorious mistook his girlfriend for an intruder and he shot her through a wooden door. There are other rumors that the murder was planned for months. For more information, I recommend Google Searching "Oscar Pistorious Murder Girlfriend".
No, but he did win an Oscar in 2006.
No, he never won an Oscar.
A Close Shave .
Oscar Shaw's birth name is Oscar Schwartz.
Oscar Righini's birth name is Righelli, Oscar.
Oscar Sainz's birth name is Oscar Luis.
Oscar Lagerstrom's birth name is Oscar Edmond Lagerstrom.
Oscar Lewenstein's birth name is Silvion Oscar Lewenstein.
Oscar Ljung's birth name is Oscar Albin Ljung.
Oscar Rundblom's birth name is Oscar Benjamin Rundblom.
Oscar Isaac's birth name is Oscar Isaac Hernandez.
Oscar Gamble's birth name is Oscar Charles Gamble.