There are several safety regulations that are put in place during javelin lessons. For example, it is a rule that all javelins should be thrown before anyone attempts to retrieve them. Another rule is the the throwing area should be cornered off to prevent anyone from walking through it during a lesson.
Regulations are usually government requirements. Health and safety regulations are government requirements that relate to preserving or providing health and safety. Health and safety regulations in a workplace are regulations that relate to providing or preserving health and safety in that workplace. There are two kinds of health and safety regulations: "general regulations" that apply to all workplaces, and "industry specific" regulations that apply to specific workplaces.
in soviet russia safety regulations follow you!
There are different safety codes and regulations depending on the small business. You can find regulations and codes at Some of the regulations for small machine shops include safety equipment.
for safety for safety
No such thing! However, in the UK, there are "Health & Safety (Display Screen Equipment) Regulations 1992" and "Workplace (Health, Safety & Welfare) Regulations 1992".
Two types of health and safety regulations are specification regulations, which say what precisely must be done, and performance regulations, which say what must be accomplished.
The Health & Safety at Work Regulations, issued under a separate Health & Safety Act for each industry in the UK. In the US the regulations that govern health and safety at work are the OSHA regulations, issued under the authority of the Williams-Steiger Occupational Safety and Health Act of 1970. Other countries have other regulations with other names.
shot put, discuss and maybe javelin
There are no safety regulation specific to a gym.
hammer throw