Well, honey, the federal government contributes about 15% of PBS's funding. So, if you're wondering if PBS is a government-run propaganda machine, the answer is no, sweetie. They're just getting a little sprinkle of taxpayer dollars to keep those educational programs running.
PBS gets about 15% of its budget from the Federal Gov't, specifically form the Corporation for Public Broadcasting. The rest is from donations and sponsorships.
50 Dollars
No way he was just saying that the he is going to help PBS get off of some of the very little government money they use. Most of the money PBS gets comes from foundations or donations. This means romney was keeping PBS from going out of business because if the government took them off that then PBS would go out for sure.
Live from the Met was first broadcast on PBS TV in 1977.
1983 to 1997
October 15, 1981.
PBS - THE WEST - Events from 1870 to 1880