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there are basically two kinds of snakes; venomous and non-venomous. Varieties are as below

Snake PicturesTypes of Snakes (Non-Venomous)Scientific NameBrown Water SnakeNerodia taxispilotaBanded Water SnakeNerodia fasciataScarlet SnakeCemophora coccineaCorn SnakeElaphe guttataDesert KingsnakeLampropeltis getula splendidaCalifornia KingsnakeLampropeltis getulus californiaeWestern CoachwhipMasticophis flagellum flagellumRough Green SnakeOpheodrys aestivusHognose SnakeHeterodon platirhinosRingneck SnakeDiadophis punctatusRed Sided Garter SnakeThamnophis sirtalis infernalisCommon Garter SnakeThamnophis sirtalisRibbon SnakeThamnophis sauritusRed Milk SnakeLampropeltis triangulum syspilaGray Banded KingsnakeLampropeltis alternaGlossy SnakeArizona elegans occidentalisGopher SnakePituophis melanoleucus cateniferAnacondaEunectes murinusReticulated PythonPython reticulatusBurmese PythonPython molarus bivittatusThe African Rock PythonPython sebae sebaeGreen Tree PythonMorelia viridisWhite Lipped PythonLeiopython albertisiiEmerald Tree BoaCorallus caninusRosy BoaTrivirgataYellow Snake (Jamaican boa)Epicrates subflavusBall PythonPython RegiusKing Rat SnakeElaphe carinataBaird's Rat SnakeElaphe bairdiBlack Rat SnakeElaphe obsoletaEverglades Rat SnakeElaphe obsoleta rossalleniRed Tailed Green Rat SnakeElaphe oxycephalaBrown House SnakeLamprophis fuliginosusBull snakePituophis catenifer sayiYellow Rat SnakeElaphe Obsoleta QuadrivittataMud SnakeFarancia abacuraEastern Indigo SnakeDrymarchon couperiScarlet KingsnakeLampropeltis triangulum elapsoidesBlack RacerColuber constrictorRedbelly SnakeStoreria occipitomaculataBig Bend or New Mexico Milk SnakeLampropeltis triangulum celaenopsGround SnakeSonora semiannulataSouthwestern Blackhead SnakeSouthwestern Blackhead SnakeTexas Long-Nosed SnakeRhinocheilus lecontei tessellatusTrans-Pecos Blind SnakeLeptotyphlops humilis segregusTrans Pecos Rat SnakeBogertophis subocularisWestern Hook-Nosed SnakeGyalopion canumGray Rat SnakeElaphe obsoleta spiloidesMexican Night SnakePseudelaphe flavirufusTaiwanese Beauty Rat SnakesElaphe taeniura

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Q: How many types of snakes are there in the world?
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[object Object]

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