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Q: How many tries do you get in a long jump competion?
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How many jumps in heptathlon?

12 in the first round and 6 in the jump off

What is the difference between perfect competion and imperfect competion?

perfect competion is a situation where the are many suppliers in the field

How many players are in long jump?

it depends on the jump

You jump 264 inches in the long jump how many feet do you jump?

22 Ft.

How many long jump events in modern olympic games?

Long jump has been an Olympic event since the Modern Olympics began in 1896. Men have competed in Olympic long jump since 1896. Women have competed in Olympic long jump since 1948.

How many people do Freestyle Motocross?

freestyle motocross has not been around that long wasnt in the xgames till 1991 carrey hart landed the firsrt backflip in competion

How many feet should the average 13 year old girl jump in long jump?

the average is 4.00m that what i jump

How do you jump onto the plane on terminal on cod mw2?

You first have to go outside of the plane and go to the blow up slide that leads to the plane. Then strafe jump on topo of the boxes to the right of you. It may take lots of tries. Then back up and strafe jump to the nose of the plane. ONLY THE NOSE OF THE PLANE. ANd then your on top of the plane It may take many tries i recommend to use marathon, and lightweight And use a pistol when jumping

Who decides what events are included in the summer Olympics?

javlin 100m sprint 400m sprint long jump high jump and many many more

How many meters long is a high jump bar?

ar face

How many calories do you burn when doing long jump?

100Type your answer here...

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