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Q: How many gold metals did Simon Whitfield win?
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How many Olympic games has Simon Whitfield competed in?

over a thousand

How many gold metals does stephanie rice have?

she has won 5 gold metals

How many gold medals were won by Canada in the 2000 Olympics?

3 ... Simon Whitfield in men's triathlon, Daniel Igali in men's welterweight class freestyle wrestling, and Daniel Nestor and Sébastien Lareau in men's doubles tennis.

How many gold metals has Russia won in the Olympics in 2010?

Russia has won 23 gold metals!!!!!

How many gold metals has Canada won?

93 gold metals...People...ohh ya and i one one of them :)

How many gold medals did Canada win in the 2000 Olympics?

3.1) Daniel Igali - men's welterweight class freestyle wrestling.2) Simon Whitfield - men's triathlon.3) Daniel Nestor and Sébastien Lareau - men's doubles tennis.

What does mix with gold?

Gold can be mixed with Mercury - formation of an amalgam; also gold can form alloys with many other metals.

How many gold metals did Phelps won 2008?

8 gold medals

How many gold metals to be won in the 2008 Olympics?

100 gold medals

How many gold metals does Shaun White have?


Is gold one of the lightest metals?

No, gold is not one of the lightest metals. It is actually quite dense and heavy compared to many other metals.

How many Olympia gold metals does America have?

In the 2008 Olympics, between both the men and women, USA won 36 gold metals.