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Q: How many females live in Hamilton?
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About 9664112 Females.

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Where does Lewis Hamilton live in Australia?

Lewis Hamilton does not live in Australia. He lives in Switzerland

How many females live in England?

About half the population, so about 25 million.

How many years do average chameleons live for?

males live up to 8-10 years and females only live up to 5-8

How many years do ticks live for?

1 to 4 years. Females die after laying their eggs.

How many puppies live in a puppy mill a year?

Over 470,000 but it also on how many females are on the farm and how many litters they are having.

Where does the Hamilton's frog live?

In Canadia

Where did Bill Hamilton live?

MLB player Billy Hamilton was born in Collins, MS.

How many females live in Ireland?

As of 2006 2,118,667

Where did Virginia Hamilton live as a child?

Virginia Hamilton grew up in Yellow Springs, Ohio.

How many males and females live in Wyoming?

According to the 2010 US Federal Census, 49.0% of the population of Wyoming is female. 49% of 563,626 = 227,627 females and 335,999 males.