phil jones is number 8
Phil Jones was born in 02-21-1992.
Phil Jones plays as a Defender for England.
Phil Jones has scored 2 goals while playing for the first team for Manchester United in the English Premier League.
As of June 2014, Phil Jones is 22 years old.
Phil Jones had played 10 times for England before the 2014 FIFA World Cup.
As of June 2014, Phil Jones plays for Manchester United, a club in England.
Phil Jones played for England in the 2014 FIFA World Cup.
iim not exactly answering your question but im asking one about your question :L:L what is a cap??
Phil Jones - Virgin Islands basketball player - was born on 1985-09-02.
Phil Jones played for Blackburn Rovers FC before United sign him in the summer.
Phil Jones wore jersey number 16 in the 2014 FIFA World Cup.