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Q: How is the relationship between Mandela and Pienaar (team captain) portrayed?
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How did Nelson Mandela use sport to bring about social change?

He brought unity between different races. i.e. 1995 Rugby World Cup won under the leadership by Francois Pienaar. Unity is very Good

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What's Mandela.

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In popular television programs and movies, the relationship between police and the public is often portrayed in a positive light, with police portrayed as heroes. However, in news media, there is often coverage of instances of police misconduct and abuses of power, which can lead to a more critical portrayal of this relationship. Overall, the depiction can vary based on the context and perspective presented in each type of media.

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What is the link between mandela's life and volunteering

What best describes how this excerpt relates to Mandela's relationship with F. W. de Klerk in the 1990s?

Answer this question… It argues for the cooperation between politicians of all races that Mandela would fulfill in his negotiations with de Klerk to end apartheid

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Not sure how this works but a better answer was needed. Love is love - a relationship is a relationship... no two are the same whether they are between member of the same or opposite sexes.

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Nelson Mandela was a terrorist in south Africa. MLK was in the USA

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they were both in jail

Is there a difference between nelson Mandela and Steve Biko?

yes they is goin be diffrent

How was Nelson Mandela's birthday marked in South Africa 2010?

nelson Mandela fought against the racial practice in south Africa..and the discrimination between white and coloured