20 60 is a normal vision . you can easily play sports and it is convenient .
but 20 80 is a bad vision so we cannot play sports by it.
Less than 20%
No. Not really. "Normal" vision is around 20/20 or 20/30. Having 20/60 means that you need to be 20 feet away from an object rather than a "normal" person who can see that object at 60 feet. At 20/60 you should still be able to function with everyday life and only need glasses to drive or to read a blackboard at school. 20/60 is only a mild impairment. 20/30 to 20/60 is considered mild vision loss, or near-normal vision 20/70 to 20/160 is considered moderate visual impairment, or moderate low vision 20/200 to 20/400 is considered severe visual impairment, or severe low vision 20/500 to 20/1,000 is considered profound visual impairment, or profound low vision less than 20/1,000 is considered near-total visual impairment, or near total blindness
In the 60's the sports of baseball and soccer were very popular.
This is quoted from another question:"Having 20/60 means that you need to be 20 feet away from an object rather than a "normal" person who can see that object at 60 feet."http://wiki.answers.com/Q/Is_20-60_vision_considered_bad
Yes. Approximately 60-70% of the kids in the world play sports.
About 40 if you are in sports more 50 if med 60+ or 70 if in study
The test area should be exactly 20 feet by 10 feet , and the angles should go from 10 degrees to 60 degrees because at above 60 your peripheral vision stops
The Snellen chart is the chart used by opticians to measure the sharpness of your eyesight (or visual acuity). It was developed by Dr Hermann Snellen in 1862. It has several lines of letters which get smaller as you go down the chart. The chart is placed level with the eyes at a distance of 20 feet (in Europe 6 metres). The standard reference eye is said to have 20/20 vision but this is not particularly good, any more than an IQ of 100 is good. If at 20 feet you can only just read letters that a person with "standard" eyes could read at 40 feet then you have 20/40 vision or if at 20 feet you can only just read letters that a standard eye could read at 60 feet then you have 20/60 vision and so on. If you can read the bottom line of very small letters on the Snellen chart your vision is an excellent 20/10. If you can read the third line from the bottom then it is a "standard" 20/20 which most people have fallen to by the age of 60.
60 -20 = 40
bowls is a good game for people over 60 just as , chess, cheakers (not the biscuits) lol
lcm(20, 60) = 60.