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Carbohydrates are needed as a source of energy for the performer while proteins are needed to help repair andstrengthen musclefibers.

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Q: Why is protein and carbs needed for outdoor sports?
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How much protein carbohydrates and fats needed for weight loss?

you need 10% protein, 5% carbs, and 85% healthy fats

What are carbs needed for?

Carbs are needed to dive you energy

How many carbs in 1 gram of protein?

none. protein is protein.

What should you eat before you work out?

An adequate amount of protein is the most important, since your muscles will need the protein to recover, and carbs are also needed for their instant energy supply.

What type of diet do nba players take?

65% carbs 25% protein. carbs for energy and protein for building muscle.

How is protein synthesis related to the synthesis of lipids?

proteins themselves are involved in the production of lipids and carbs. Enzymes carry out just about all the reactions needed to break down and make more lipids, carbs, DNA and proteins.

Is baked ziti bad for you?

If you are very active in sports and working out then it isn't really in my opinion. If not too active then it is a lot of carbs that are not needed/going to be burned

How do you lose weight for a child?

Give him proper diet with high protein, medium carbs ans low fats. Allow him to play outdoor games. Dont worry, follow this, the child will grow properly

Do sports after a workout stunt muscle growth?

yes as after a weights workout muscle fibres are broken down and are in need of carbs and protein leave cv until the next day

What brand of yogurt has the most protein list brands?

Usually greek style yogurts (Fage, Labneh) have the carbs such as lactose drained out resulting in a very high protein low carb yogurt.. Instead of 15g carbs, 11g protein like most American yogurt, Fage has 20g protein and 9g carbs

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What is the elements of macro nutrients?

Carbs, Fat and Protein