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Q: Why does a rounders post make a dark shadow?
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no it cant you must toct the 4 post and run off that it

Why does a rounders post make a shadow?


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dream eater dark shadow lick "kinda domb move lol" [more to come, so when i think of some I'll post it here]

What causes the length of the tree's shadow to change over the months?

The amount of sunshine, where the sun is, and if there is any sun at all. The angle of the light hitting the tree if the sun is high in the sky the Shadow is short for example if the sun is directly over a post then the post will cast no shadow. as the sun moves into a position that causes its light to shine on the side of the post a shadow will appear on the opposite side of the post where it blocks the sun. as the sun seems to assume a relatively lower position compared to the horizon it will make the shadow longer and longer.

Where do umpires in rounders stand?

There are two officials in a game of rounders and one stands on the batting line to check for low/high balls and the other one stands just behind 2nd post to check for wide balls.

Why does the length and position of my shadow change as i walk towards a lamp post and when we walk away from the lamp post?

The lower the sun in the sky, the longer the shadow. A shadow is always cast in the opposite direction of incident sunlight. When the sun is directly overhead (at noon) the shadow is shortest.

Why does the length and position of my shadow change as I walk towards a lamp post and when I walk away from the lamp post?

The length and position of your shadow change as you walk towards a lamp post because you are moving closer to the light source, which creates a shorter shadow. Conversely, as you walk away from the lamp post, your shadow lengthens and changes position because you are moving further away from the light source, causing the shadow to stretch and shift.

If a 5 ft post cast a shadow of 1.2 ft find the length of the shadow for a 17 ft post?

The length of the shadow is proportional to the height of the post. Thus, if l is the length of the unknown shadow, l/17 = 1.2/5 or l = 4.1 feet. This should be rounded to 4 if the value 5 is not considered to be known to at least two significant digits.

At any given time of the day the ratio of an object the length of its shadow is the same for all objects if a 5ft post casts a shadow of a 1.2ft find the length for a 17ft post?

Let the length of the shadow be x and use the tangent ratio: 5/1.2 = 17/x Make x the subject of the equation: x = (17*1.2)/5 x = 4.08 feet