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For 1. it keeps you in shape and helps you stay healthy

2. It gives you something to do and 3. it keeps you out of ANY kind of trouble.

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Q: Why are lifetime activities good for you?
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Related questions

What are the example of a lifetime activities?

Examples of lifetime activities are walking, talking, and eating. Just remember that these are some examples not all.

What are some lifetime activities?

A "Lifetime Activity" is a sport or other physical exercise that can be performed for ones entire life, from youth to old age.

How do you change a sim's lifetime want?

you go to lifetime rewards and the n you but vhange lifetime wihes :) sorry if its not a good answer

What is a good sentence with once in a lifetime in it?

Winning the jackpot in the lottery is a once in a lifetime event.

What are some good activities to interact with infants?

With babies, playing games is fun andbeneficial. From building motor and sensory skills to prepping them for preschool, baby games set the stage for a lifetime of learning. Read on for twists on classic baby games, and discover new activities for your little one.

How will you maintain your lifetime fitness activities Specify your plan in achieving lifetime fitness activities?

Exercise is vital to shedding excess weight and keeping it off. Also, individuals who exercise can gain an increase in their muscle tone and strength.My plan is to exercise always as well as reduce stress levels.

How many times in a lifetime people do repetitive things?

People engage in repetitive activities regularly throughout their lifetimes, such as brushing their teeth, tying their shoes, and eating meals. These routine activities are essential for daily functioning and can add up to thousands of repetitions over a person's lifetime.

What is the definition for lifetime physical activity?

An activity that is with you for a long period of time. Such activities include golf, bowling and others.

If you have a lifetime license and move to another state is your lifetime license still good?

Only in the state in which it was issued.

Which activities are offered in Dubai deserts?

Dubai desert safari offers many activities like dune drive, quad biking, sand skiing and camel ride. You should try these activities once in Dubai. It is a lifetime experience.

Are lifetime beds really a good investment or do kids ultimately out grow them too?

Lifetime beds are not a good investment because grow out of them within a couple years.

What are good foods and activities for running?

good food cabbage activities jogging,jumping,streching