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Nobody exactly knows because it was probably invented before the first accurate records of time.

However, the oldest verified bow ever found was dug up from a peat bog in Denmark. It was carbon dated as being eight thousand years old. So, the inventor of the bow and arrow could have been Danish.

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βˆ™ 14y ago
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βˆ™ 13y ago

It is really not known who Archery was invented by but it is known that it had first been used about the early 1900's and even before that. All I know is that who ever made the bow and arow they were preety smart for living back then.

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βˆ™ 15y ago

There is no known answer to this, it's probably impossible that we shall ever know, the bow in one form or another has been used by all cultures from the stone age at least, the "Iceman", found frozen in the Alps some years ago, who lived in the late stone/early bronze age, had a bow and arrows almost identical to those used thousands of years later. The bow was probably invented independently by hundreds of people thousands of years ago, just about the only culture who never invented it were the Native People of Australia, who used the boomerang and spear instead. I think this is a question to which there is no answer!

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βˆ™ 16y ago

LaHoward Tanxien around B.C. pronounced as (La'How"Ard) Tan"Zan'Em) LaHoward Tanxien around B.C. pronounced as (La'How"Ard) Tan"Zan'Em)

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βˆ™ 15y ago

I think the person you are looking for would be Fred Bear. He is the one most commonly noted as the "Father of Archery."

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βˆ™ 12y ago

a man

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Where did archery originate as a sport?

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Archery was first in the summer Olympics in 1900. This was held in Paris.

Where did archery originate from?

Stone arrow points dating back 25,000 years have been discovered in Africa.

Was archery discovered on accident?

I'm sure it was by the Indians! they were the first people with the bow!!! On the other foot the Bow and Arrow culture has been discovered on many continents such as Africa, Siberia, China and others going back millions of years. The expression necessity is the mother of invention may well mean that the first bows could have been discovered in England or France or Scandinavia.

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Archery was first used for hunting and combat.

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It's believed that archery dated all the way back to the Stone Ages

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Archery was very first used for hunting as far back to the near-end of the Stone Ages

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US Archery Team took Silver in the Team Archery event, losing to Italy by one point.

What country does archery started?

Archery - the use of a bow and arrow was invented by our ancient hunter gatherer ancestors, we have no record as to where the first bow and arrow were made.

What do people shoot arrows at?

Archery, and some types of hunting.

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The 1st Indian archer to get Guinness world record for India in archery is Kaustubh Bhosle and he is from Mumbai, Sagittarius Archery, Prabodhan Archery Centre, and his Coach is Subhash Nair

Who was president when first archery organization was formed?

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