

Who did people play stick ball?

Updated: 9/28/2023
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βˆ™ 12y ago

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Stickball was invented (or first played) in the early 1930s by a group of Jewish and Italian teen agers from Bensonhurst, a neighborhood in Brooklyn. They were intending to play softball but when they found the field was being used, they began fooling around with a broomstick and a Spaldeen, a pink rubber ball manufactured by Spalding. The fooling around turned into a game resembling softball or Baseball except that it was played in the street instead of a grass field. Originally the game was called streetball, but somewhere along the way the kids began calling it Stickball. The name stuck and the reputation grew to other large cities most of who's citizens erroneously took credit and claimed it as their own. But the true birthplace of the game is Brooklyn.

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