G-15 XLT lenses provide natural vision while maintaining true colors, offering better contrast. B-15 XLT lenses offer enhanced contrast and provide a warmer perception of colors compared to G-15 XLT lenses.
B-15 and G-15 both refer to specific colored sunglasses lenses. The B-15 are brown in color, which offers slightly heightened contrast as they block a bit more of the blue color spectrum. G-15 are a gray/green colored lens originally developed by Bausch and Lomb in 1951 for the Navy Air Corps as the N-15. It was through minor reformulation for prescription use that the designation was changed to G-15. The benefit of the G-15 lens is that it transmits natural color to the eye, so that while everything appears darker (as 85% of the incoming light is blocked, the same as with the B-15), the color of what you are looking at is not influenced by the lenses. What you are using your sunglasses for, and your own preference are the way to determine which you prefer. From a perspective of natural eyesight, the G-15 is technically superior.
B-15 lens are brown in color and G-15 lenses are gray-green. Polarized lenses come in both colors and on the lens it's written Ray Ban P
Ray-Ban's G-15 lenses are some of the darkest lenses available from the brand. These lenses provide excellent protection from bright light and glare. They are a popular choice for outdoor activities and driving in sunny conditions.
A polarized lens cuts more reflected glare but the actual protection of polarized lenses and G15 lenses are the same. Polarized sunglass lenses reduce glare reflected off roads, bodies of water, snow, and other horizontal surfaces where the G15 lenses do not.
Intro: g-g-a-a-a-a-a-a c-c-g-g-a-a-a Verse: g-g-g-g g-g-g-c g-g-g-g-g-g-g-g-g-a-b-a Refrain/Bridge: g-b-d-e-d-b-b-b-b-a g-b-d-e-d-b-a Chorus: b-b-a-g-g-g-g-g-g-a-b-a b-b-a-g-g-g-g-g-g-a-b-a b-b-a-g-g-g-g-g-g-b-a-a b-b-a-g-a-b b-b-b-b-b-a-g-g-g-g-g-g-a-b-a b-b-a-g-g-g-g-g-g-a-b-a b-b-a-g-g-g-g-g-g-b-a-a b-b-a-g-a-b b-b-b-b-b-a-g-a-b b-b-b-b-b-a-g
15 red balls in a game of snooker
G-B-H- - 1991 is rated/received certificates of: Australia:M UK:15
b a g a b b b a a a b b b b a g a b b b a a b a g b a g b a g g g g a a a b a g
From a RayBan customer service employee:The B15 is a brown lens and the G15 is a grey/green lens. Both lenses allow 15% light through the lens. It also blocks the UV reds and UVB rays.From the bottom of a website( http://www.bardoptical.com/html/sunglasses.html ):G-15 Lenses Historical Perspective In 1951, in response to a Navy Air Corps requirement, Bausch & Lomb began developing a truly neutral sunglass lens, called the N-15. This lens was reformulated slightly to make it more suitable for prescription use and renamed the G-15. The military services were so impressed that they wrote a complete set of specifications around the characteristics of the G-15 lenses. How the Lens Works Human eyes do not respond equally to all colors in the visual spectrum. The eyes are more sensitive to green and yellow wavelengths and are less sensitive to red and blue. Based on this knowledge, the G-15 lens was formulated to emphasize the colors that our eyes see most easily and de-emphasize less useful colors. The G-15 lens absorbs 85% of visibile light, transmitting only 15%. The light transmission curve of the G-15 (showing the amount of light that is allowed to pass through the lens) is similar to the color sensitivity of the human eye. What this means is that the lens transmits colors in the same way tha tour eyes are sensitive to colors. This results in natural vision - true colors that are easy on the eye. The G-15 lens is made of impact resistant optical quality glass. It provides 100% Ultraviolet (UV) protection, is naturally scratch resistant, and has outstanding stability with virtually no time-related fading or alteration of the tint.
easy-g a g g g g a g g g a g a a (2 times)-b b g g a a b g bb g g a a g -g a g g g g a g g g a g a a (2 times) hard-g a b b c b a g b b a g a a g a b b c b a g b b a g g a g d d b b a b c a b c d d a b c a b