Near the route where deer move. This may be between areas where they bed and where they feed, near a water source, or where their movement is channeled by natural terrain features.
Here are two answers for your question, since I don't understand your question: To GET a treestand from the game, simply play the game until you get to the Idaho region. You should have a treestand by then. To SET UP a treestand to hunt, select your Inventory, then either your GPS, RANGEFINDER, ANIMAL CALL, or other. Once you've selected one of these, press the C button on the nunchuk. You should see a small list of materials on the screen. Select the treestand by pressing the C button. The stand should replace whatever you've selected. (GPS, etc.) Get near a tree with fungus on it, go to your Inventory, and select the treestand. Happy Hunting!
The best place to put up job ads online is on craigslist or snagajob. They always have jobs posted and people looking for certain people to hire. I'd say craigslist is the best place for you to post.
There is no "best place" to put movies so they take up space. 1mb, 500mb,1gb, or even 10gb of video is the same no matter which folder you put it in.
press R1 and hold it.. then select the duck stuff and holding R1 press X, and appears the item "treestand" , it´s like in other section of the inventory.. then you select it.. and it´s gonna be in your main inventory then just take it and done..!! i had a hard time also but luckily did it.. For Wii (Zapper Play) Press and Hold "A" (do the following while holding "A" the whole time). With "Control Stick" select the "Duck Call" and Press "C". This will bring another inventory menu to include your "Treestand" and "Elk Call", select "Treestand" this will swap your "Duck Call" with the "Treestand". Let go of "A". This also applies to the other equipment in your pack when applicable.
The best place to put eyebrow rings is in the dresser draw. It is also good to keep them on the top of your dresser next to your make-up case by the mirror.
Hold R1 and select the GPS. Then press X and there will be a camoflauge chair kinda thing. That is the treestand. Press X again and then BOOM! your up in the tree.
In bathroom stalls and mirrors at eyelevels Also put them up in common areas like billboards at community centers or highschools, and in parks
you can put a hidden camera up high, where the child cannot reach up to it. There is an eHow article that helps you find places to place cameras. Also, you should secure it, to prevent failure.
Lamps are used to bring light into a room that does not have lightening. The best place to put lights in a part of the room that is the darkest as well as a place that will light up the most of the room.
The best way is to warm up a hot-cold ice pack and wrap it in a towel and put it near your bunny, or if they're not staying in one place, put them in their travel kennel and put the pack in there.And give them a blanket, they might burrow into it.
It doesn't hurt to advertise your vehicle in more then one place. Many people get very good responses from craigslist, your local newspaper, online at or even find an appropriate place to park it and put a for sale sign in the window.
The best place to compare auto insurance rates is You just put in your zip code and it pulls up the best rates for you in the surrounding area. You put in your name and type of car and it will give you the best rate of every company in the area.