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You can also buy sport equipment at local sport shop, ebay, garage sales, small ads etc.

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15y ago
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14y ago

you can find them online or at sporting goods type stores. Just search for ping pong tables for sale.

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12y ago

There are several stores which carry tennis tables. Such stores are Wal-Mart, K-Mart, Sears, and various other stores with a sporting department located within them.

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12y ago

There are many places where Table Tennis tables can be purchased. Local choices include Sears stores as well as sporting goods stores such as Dicks Sports.

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12y ago

Walmart, Sears, and the Sports Authority all carry ping pong tables. Also, they are available on many different websites for varying prices and in several different sizes.

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11y ago

One can find reasonably priced table tennis tables for sale at Walmart and Target. They can also be purchased for a decent price from Sears, Amazon, and eBay.

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What is the best quality table tennis table?

On my opinion, I think stiga tables are very good. They are good quality and are cheap

Where is the best place to buy a Stiga Table Tennis table?

Many sporting goods stores carry Stiga Table Tennis tables. You can also often find them in general merchandise or discount stores like Wal-Mart. They are sold in nearly 100 countries around the world.

What are some of the best deals on ping pong tables- Any ideas?

Ping pong tables or Table Tennis, are very expensive. $1,000.00 is the least amount you will get for a Ping Pong table.

Where can you purchase a tennis table?

here are some of the best places: bribartt ebay amazon a offcial table tennis brand such as butterfly, joola or tibhar. shops such as smyths for a children version try some of these hope it helped

Which sport is best basketball or table tennis?

Table tennis

Where's the best place I can get a patio table?

Patio tables can be purchased at walmart or you also have the opton of and the or the sears store. is the best place to purchase a patio table.

Who is India's best table tennis player?

India's best table tennis player is Sharath Kamal ACHANT.

Where can I find a good deal on a puzzle table?

A good place to find good deals on puzzle tables is at They have the best puzzle tables. Another really good place would be at

What stores in northern New Jersey sell tennis tables?

You could check Academy or Sports Authority. They generally have good prices. They can also help you choose the best type of table and paddles so that you can get the whole set-up in one place.

What are the best commercial tables out now?

Some of the best available commercial tables come from Central Restaurant Products. They sell many tables such as melanine table tops, dura edge table tops, and vinyl edge table tops.

Where is the best place to buy table tennis raquets?

Table tennis racquets can be bought from a number of well regarded businesses. It will ultimately come down to what you're looking for specifically. Amazon and Killerspin are just two examples.

Where on the Internet is it possible to find a place online with a table tennis set?

Table tennis sets can be purchased on the internet at many different locations and sites. Some of the best deals can be had at ToysRUs, Sports Authority and Dick's Sporting Goods.