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Q: Where does RJ Mitchell live?
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Related questions

Is RJ Mitchell Scottish?

If you are talking about the Spitfire designer he was born near and raised in Stoke-on-Trent in England.

What country does the spitfire come from?

The Spitfire was designed by RJ Mitchell in The United Kingdom and was one of the main British fighter planes in World War 2.

Who made the spitfire?

The Spitfire was designed by RJ Mitchell, and built by Supermarine. Many of them were maunfactured in Southampton in Britain.

What is rj connetcter?

RJ stands for registered jack. There are a no. of RJ's that we use for e.g., RJ-9 ,RJ-11 RJ-12, RJ-45, RJ-48 etc

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Mitchell Davis of livelavalive lives in Middletown OH

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What does RJ mean in Chinese?

RJ in Chinese means RJ

What are the types of RJ connectors?

There are RJ-11, RJ-12, and RJ-45 connectors. RJ-11 is typically used for telephone lines, while RJ-45 is used for NICs.

What nicknames does Rj Revilla go by?

Rj Revilla goes by RJ.

What nicknames does RJ Vaughn go by?

RJ Vaughn goes by RJ.

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Stroudsburg Pa

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nantucket, Massachusetts