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Q: Where did girls practice sports and were trained to be strong mothers?
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Why is Eagan High School bad at sports?

Eagan sports is all about a strong parent circle of friends with the coaches. They are not taught and trained to win. The focus is about certain kids obtaining the "experience"

What sports did women participate in What effects did it have?

sports has been known to improve the ease with which women delivers their babies but it has also been known that intense sport activities disrupt the women reproductive system and reduce fertility rates in women. sports, however can not only improve the ease at which women deliver their children but it can also make the mothers strong after childbirth and make the children strong as well.

What is mean by mother?

Mothers are not there just trying to be strong for you.

How was Rome do successful in its conquest?

Rome was able to conquer and pacify other people by giving them the benefits of Roman culture and civilization. Another important factor in Rome being accepted was that the Romans also tolerated other people's gods and religions and even incorporated many foreign deities into their own pantheon. The "allies" however, were not conquered people. The were independent kingdoms on the border of the empire, mostly in the mid-east and Africa, who paid tribute to Rome and acted as a buffer zone between Rome and her enemies.

Is red the Pokemon trainer strong?

His team are in the Lv 80s are strong if you haven't trained your team.

What was neils fathers and mothers name?

strong father and mother name

What was Sparta like?

it was a military based city-state its was based on war and strong people mothers were to be fit to make fit baby's and men and boys were trained to kill and fight to become leaders and die fighting for sparta....that's all people believed in.

What do human and animal mothers have in common?

Human and animal mothers both provide care and nourishment to their offspring. They also have strong maternal instincts to protect and nurture their young. Additionally, both human and animal mothers form strong bonds with their offspring through physical and emotional connections.

Why was it suprising that the colonist won the American revolution?

because the Americans were not trained and they were weak and the British were strong and trained so it was a surprise that the Americans one

Where did the volunteer soldiers train?

The napoleon army was trained in Briton and trained by push ups and running until they were fit and strong.

Can a mother feel strong envy towards her daughter?

Yes. Narcissistic Mothers always do.

How can sports affect kids?

it makes them strong and healthy