== == New Castle 100 Archery Club
Sunset Lake Road (Rt. 72)
Newark, DE 19702 http://nc100archers.com
The City of Newark Department of Parks and Recreation is now offering an "INTRODUCTORY TO Archery" class at New Castle 100 Archers.
Here is the information taken directly from the Newark, DE Municipal Newsletter - Winter/Spring 2009 Issue Page 35. Detailed information is as follows:
Ages 8 and over
Have you ever thought about Robin Hood or William Tell? This class will cover the basic fundamentals of archery. The beginning archer will learn safety rules, basic shooting technique, and about the different types of bows. "Bare-bow" style of instruction will be taught. This is the simplest bow setup and the best way to start out learning. All equipment will be provided for you, please DO NOT bring your own.
The instructor is an experienced archer. The club site has existed for over 50 years, has a walking course, practice range, and teaching range. The club has held many state level competitions. Saturday times will vary due to skill level set by instructor. The first class will meet on Thursday, May 7 from 5:30pm - 7:00pm for a safety meeting.
Activity #1652-109
Saturday times will vary by level set by instructor
4 Sessions
Thursdays/Saturdays | 5:30pm-7pm - between 9:00am - 12noon
May 7-16
ACTIVITY INFORMATION can be found HERE:http://cityofnewarkde.us/index.asp?NID=141 === ===
if u find a local archery pro shop , most r willing to give lessons. i am an instructor for my state of Delaware and also give private lessons.From Cupidsgatearchery: depend on where you are. You can do a search on Google with key words such as "Archery Lessons San Francisco". We strongly recommend a student to be taught by one of the USAA Certified Intermediate Instructors who is still actively competing and ranked in State and National level, or at least they were at one point with some kind of proof.Answer improved by: CUPID'S GATE ARCHERY - San Francisco & Marin Countywww.cupidsgatearchery.com
There are hundreds of videos about archery on Youtube. There are lessons for beginners thru expert, as well as tips, equipment reviews, and competitions.
Archery is a great way to work someones mind and body. You can check out this website for several different camps that would work best for your child. http://www.adventurecamp.com/archery-summer-camps.aspx
Wasting Arrows does great beginner lessons. They're down off Double Diamond on the south end of town.
Yes, twelve year olds are quite handy and careful with a bow and arrow. Some are actually quite comfortable with one. I'm twelve and my dad says I'm a great archer. I also take archery lessons. Archery is my life.
where can you take driving lessons in northwest territories
the quiver
you dont,,,,
Crossbow or archery? If crossbow, I think 14+, and if archery- as young as 6 (starting age)
2 hours it take from Delaware to Virginia