A Sport AB Lounge can be purchased in various locations. Retailers such as KMart or fitness stores stock them and one can always find it online on eBay or Amazon.
The cheapest lounge available on Amazon is the Ab Lounge Sport. On Amazon the Ab Lounge Sport is sold for $125. The Ab Lounge Sport works out both the upper and lower abs.
You can buy an Ab lounge ultra from your local fitness store or even some of the big Walmart stores. Alternatively, you can get them online on Amazon or eBay.
One can buy an Ab Lounge 2 from many different retailers online. One can try Amazon, Walmart, Target, KMart, or one can buy off of eBay or Craigslist.
A used Ab Lounge XL can be purchased from the popular auction website eBay. You can also find them for sale used at Amazon and with some luck may be able to find one on Craigslist.
How to change cover for Abe lounge
The Ab Lounge is an exercise machine you utilize by placing your hands on the grips above your head well laying down and you perform the jack knife motion for 15 minutes to half an hour. You can return the Ab Lounge within 90 days for a full refund if you are unhappy with the results.
No, the ab lounge will only strengthen your abs. You will only have your abs show if you lose the fat in your stomach and eat right. Abs are made in the kitchen, not the gym.
The most effective exercise is the ab crunch. No matter how many gizmos and pieces of equipment you might purchase, any trainer will tell you the crunch is the most effective.
This YouTube video gives a detailed explanation of the ab lounge and provides visuals of how to use the equipment. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o23IaMHyL2I
hi where can I get new resistence bands for the ab loung 2.
500 reps