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Q: When was the cassette most popular?
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In which years were portable cassette players most popular?

Portable cassette players, commonly referred to as a walkman, was introduced July 1st, 1979. Portable cassette players were most popular in the 1980's and 1990's.

What were brands on popular cassette tape decks in the past?

Some popular brands of cassette tape decks include Technics, Sony, JVC, Pioneer, Kenwood and Yamaha. The most well known compact player had to be the Sony Walkman.

Which cassette decks hold more than one cassette?

The Pioneer CT-W208R, the Onkyo TARW255B and the Sony TC-WE475 are all popular dual cassette decks.

Whats the most to pay for a Cassette Deck?

The most you should expect to pay for a cassette deck is around $130 and that would be for one of the dual cassette decks.

Which cassette deck is the most portable?

A light weight portable cassette player is what you would want.

Do most portable cassette players get radio and record too?

Yes most portable cassette players get radio and also record as well

What do cassette player adapters allow the user to do?

Cassette player adapters help users play music with MP3's through old cassette players. This method is popular for vehicles that have a lacking point in the music technology field.

When were video cassette recorders available to purchase?

The Philips Corporation designed the cassette player in 1963 and was released to the public in 1965. It became popular during the 1970's.

Where was the audio cassette invented?

The Compact Cassette, as it was branded, was developed by Philips in Holland in the early 1960s. It was launched in 1964 when production of the cassettes was started in Hannover, Germany. Because licensing of the technology was free, the format was adopted by all the major consumer electronics companies and was the most popular recording format for several decades. Although other compact formats were introduced, such as DAT, DCC and Minidisc, none took enough market share to reduce the dominance of the cassette. It was only the low cost of recordable CDs and MP3 and the surrounding technology that eventually displaced the Compact Cassette as the most popular domestic audio recorder.

Are there any recordable cassette decks that can be installed in a car?

Most cassette decks come with a recording option when you purchase them.

Are cassette players still popular?

As technology advances, cassette players are being replaced with CD players and more popularly iPods and mp3s. However, they soon will be valuable antiques.

Are there any cassette decks that are compatible with a brand new car?

Yes most cassette decks will have no problem wiring into a new car.