First-Being able to firer your bow. Then your groups (spread of your arrows on the target) will get smaller. From the size of a barn to the size of 5x5' square, 2x2', volleyball, orange, and eventually (if you're really serious) down to the size of a pin-pong ball.
archery started in Germany ok
it was started in 1899
yes if it is accurate
Archery is older then recorded history; noone knows for sure.
a arrow and bow:)
a arrow and bow:)
Archery - the use of a bow and arrow was invented by our ancient hunter gatherer ancestors, we have no record as to where the first bow and arrow were made.
Archery, and some types of hunting.
Bear Archery is a leading company in the production and sales of hunting products. The company was started by expert marksmen Fred Bear who began by making his own bows, arrows and other equipment.
There are probably children in almost every country that play archery games.
sky archery was a brand of archery like a sky conquest
there are no regulations of archery