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Q: What would you use a bow and arrow for in a castle attack?
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What would an archer do in medieval ages?

An archer would use his/her bow and arrow to fire at attackers attacking the castle. Most of the archers would try to protect the castle. Some would attack castles. They would try to aim for the head and maybe the feet. Some attack/defend on horses.

Where is the huge bow and arrow on asto knights?

It is on the top of the Castle of Arturus.

How does Artemis attack?

Artemis attacks by shooting a silver arrow from her bow.

How do you get bow and arrow attack animation in AQW?

use ranger class

Is the bow and arrow outside the king and queen castle in poptropica?

Yes, you have to climb up the castle and shoot it at the princesses door.

How do you kill zombies in minecraft?

Just attack them with fists, a sword, or a bow and arrow.

How long is a bow and arrow?

That would vary wildly upon the bow and the arrow. There are many different types of bow and probably a fair few different types of arrow.

Can not find your ship on astro knights poptropica help?

you go on the hover board go out into the swamp and there is a ship NO, its where the bow and arrow is, probably, you know on the castle?

Where is the huge bow and arrow in astro knights poptropica?

if you go out side the castle and climb up the middle it should be there

What is the theme song for Attack on Titan?

The opening song is "Guren Ni Yumiya" (Crimson Bow and Arrow).

What goddess has bow and arrow greek?

No, Athena is not typically depicted with bow and arrow. Bow and arrow are most often depicted with Artemis.

How do you get into the princess tower in astroknights island?

First you go to the mill a go to the ladder at the swamp. You'll get the rope Then go to the castle and go to the bow and arrow thingy outside in the the middle of the castle.(To do that, go climb the windows) Use the rope on the bow and arrow. You will be able to aim. Aim at the left side of the castle and shoot. The arrow will hit the princess's door. Climb on the rope and into the princess's door. Done. Hope that helped.